Making Short Movies 101

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  • btcg
    Mail Payments To Me
    • Sep 2006
    • 20

    Making Short Movies 101

    Hi all,

    Gotta say, I love this site. It's not often that I find people who are bigger geeks than I am.

    Although I make my living writing internet software: shopping carts/database driven web sites, etc, movies are in my soul. My Dad was one of the first to see the potential for movies in the mid 70's, and created the chain "Movieland", which went national in a very short period of time.

    Although retired, my Dad is still heavily into movies. His thing is making temporary videos he shares with friends and family.

    My thing was always electronics. Movieland started in my Dad's tv repair shop when I was 17, and by 12(having grown up in a tv repair shop) I was as good or better a tech than guys (who my Dad paid BIG $....he'd always said 'most of your pay is in experience. I'd always say: 'They don't take experience at the stores I go to' ) 3 times my age. It paid off: in my early 30's I found myself running my state's electronic repair division for the largest servicer in the world.

    By the 90's Dad moved on to programming. Computers had been one of his hobbies. He was one of the original members of the famous "Dearborn Computer Club" in the 70's & 80's, and after selling off Movieland he began writing & selling shopping carts for e-commerece websites.

    I'd take my 2 week vacations and fly to Florida and stay with him. In 95, he began telling me 'you need to learn computers'. I'd say 'Dad, all I need is a word processor.'

    In 97 on that year's visit, he asked me: "what band do you like?" I responded: "I just saw the Who...why do you ask?"

    So he types in 'The Who" into a search engine, and hundreds of websites appear in the engine. I spent the next several hours reading....totally fixated and enthralled.

    I came home after the 2 weeks and went out & bought my 1st computer: a 200MHZ Pentium 2 with a 4.7 gig HD and a whopping 16 MB of memory.

    By 2000, I began my own software company.

    In 2001 he started telling me about his new dvd recorder: a phillips DVDR985. 'It's just like a VCR.' he said 'It sits on top of the tv. You ought to get one.'

    So I bought the same model.

    And this began my intro to DVD recorders.

    I still have the 985(never had a problem with mine), and over the years I have added 2 Ilo's (they're made by Cyberhome. I have 5 burners in 5 different computers here(I work outta my home).

    Lately, I've been delving into making shot videos with custom menus and features.

    Reading this site closely, and taking the advice of the expertise of Blu, Chewy, Columbo, etc, I just made 3 I'm rather proud of.

    This was the introduction/backfround post. In the next post, I'll provide info on what software I used, the evolution of the 3, music sources, and a killer free (I know the site LUV's free stuff) site you can host em on, as well as showing you the movies as well.
  • btcg
    Mail Payments To Me
    • Sep 2006
    • 20

    Formulating a Plan

    So, what is it gonna be about?

    If you're simply copying a work and personalizing it (a custom menu, etc), that's one thing.

    In my case, my project began out of anger.

    I'll explain.

    I had been watching the show: "Dog The Bounty Hunter" for several months. I fell victim to the character's story line: they are a bunch of Christian, God fearing folk more into helping people than arresting them, as they are forced to when these people they are 'helping' jump bond. I knew they(the Chapmans) had been arrested in Mexico a few years ago while persuing a heinous rapist, one Andrew Luster, heir to the Max Factor cosmetic fortune.
    Watching the A&E show, I assumed (like many) that the Mexican incident had been settled.

    What a surprise when I found out a little more than 10 days or so ago, that they hadn't settled their legal problems. They had done what they arrest others for doing: they jumped bond.

    At first I thought: 'What's the big deal? Hadn't the Chapman's performed a greater good in bring Luster to justice?"

    So when A&E announced that they were airing the show "Dog: The Family Speaks" to tell the Chapman's side of the story (their arrest & jailing by federal marshalls), I set my trusty office Direct TV w/Tivo to record the show.

    After watching the show, something began bothering me. Some of the things they had said weren't making sense. So I used one of the best features of Tivo: I replayed the show & watched it again.

    The 2nd time through it became clear: every other scene was one lie after another.

    The Dog openly stated "they arrested me like I would them, politely, etc"

    But his wife Beth called MSNBC anchor Rita Cosby, and right on camera there is a clip of Cosby saying:

    "I could believe what I was hearing so I asked her again 'Federal Marshall's broke down their door".

    180 degrees from what Dog had said.

    Their son Leyland, their co-workers, even the A&E crew....all lying and blatantly. As one person has said...'Helen Keller could see though all these lies"

    So I decided: HERE is my project.

    Next- Capture


    • btcg
      Mail Payments To Me
      • Sep 2006
      • 20


      Not the Chapman's capture....I mean capturing the video I needed to make my movie.

      I have a custom built workstation(pictures to follow later) in my downstairs office that holds the 4 different computers and 1 server I use in my business and projects.

      My rig for this projest:

      Direct TV w/Tivo

      TV Tuner Card: ATI All in Wonder

      Win TV 2000 software

      Computer: Dell 5100 w/Pentium 4 1 gig memory

      Using the Win TV software (which I normally use to watch tv with) I used the record feature and captured a dozen or so segments of the "Dog: The Family Speaks" show to a file named "MY Video" on my C: drive.

      I then had my meat. Time to carve it up.



      • btcg
        Mail Payments To Me
        • Sep 2006
        • 20


        So, I've got a dozen or so clips from the show saved to "My Video" on C: drive in MPEG format. the fun comes (and at which I had no idea what I was doing, first time & all)...editing.

        My software of choice: ULEAD Videostudio 10

        I have Adobe Premire Pro, and Roxio's Video Studio, but I choose ULEAD for a good reason: it was the first program I clicked on and I decided....what the hay...use this. most, I'm not really into heavy "Help Files" reading if I am not forced to.

        ULEAD Videostudio 10 is great in that regard. You open your MPEG(from the 'Load Video' icon), preview it if you like, and drag the clip into the small box that convieniently reads "Drag and Drop Video Clip Here"

        Once in position, it's a simple matter of deciding whether you'll use all or some of the clip you just loaded.

        Under "Edit", you can play the clip in the tv style monitor window and pause at the portion you wish to stop or start at, drag the "Jog Slider" into postion, or click on the "Time code" area (just run your mouse over these items and they tell you what they are) and use the up/down area navigate to the portion of the clip you wish to start/stop(respectively) on. Once in position(start or stop) simply clip the bracket item [ or ] to mark and set.

        My movie would feature a clip followed by another clip in succession, so as to demonstrate the baloney factor in what they were saying.

        When you're done settng up your clip to the correct start/stop points you desire, simple open another clip from the 'Load Video" icon and repeat the procedure.

        Before long, you've got a string of clips assembled into your movie.

        My first movie used the sound already embedded in the MPEG clips.

        But the 2nd & 3rd movies (yes, all on the Dog) featured music along with the clips.

        Next...Adding Audio


        • btcg
          Mail Payments To Me
          • Sep 2006
          • 20

          Editing....Adding Audio

          So my first movie is good, but methinks adding sound would be better.

          And in a move that'll please the cheapskates....err....thrifty folk here, my 1st choice was a freebie midi file. I chose "Alone Again, Naturally", as it fit my theme of the 2nd movie. Free midis of almost any kind of music are freely available all over the net. Google it and you'll have enough links to save to fit your needs if you go the midi route in future projects.

          But ULEAD doesn't allow midi files for use in background music.

          No problem, as Mid Converter 3.2 converted my midi into a wave file quicker than Tommy Lee can chug a brewski.

          Using the same open/drag & drop system, I now positioned my newly converted wav file into position.

          After a few plays though to set the volume at a level where you could hear the the music without interfering with the embedded voice track already there, I had my movie and I was ready to process it.

          Next....ULEAD's Sharing window


          • btcg
            Mail Payments To Me
            • Sep 2006
            • 20


            ULEAD call this "Sharing"

            And it's as easy as Pam Anderson after her 6th beer.

            You click "SHARE", and in my case (as I was making an Internet movie) click
            "Create Video File"

            From there, you can choose many different formats to meet your needs.

            I chose WMV (windows media...sorry Chewy) 320 x 240 @30 FPC.

            Name it, click OK, and you're in business. ULEAD's process is smooth and you can follow it progress with a nice blue progress bar.



            • btcg
              Mail Payments To Me
              • Sep 2006
              • 20


              So I've got this movie(in my case, 3).

              Where do I put it?

              In my case, I have a dozen commercial servers at my call running my e-commerece software. was going to be my choice. I'd just add a folder and upload, and write a download link.

              But something in the pioneering spirit hit me, and I decided to do some searching.

              And in a move that'll warm your hearts, I found a site that has a built in player (all you do is upload), and meets the #1 critera of this site:

              IT'S FREE:

              Bookmark this one if you aren't already aware of it boys & girls.

              My 1st Video:

              Title: Dog the Bounty Hunter: The Baloney Files

              My 2nd video:

              Title: All By Myself


              Title: Dog the Bounty Hunter: Talk 2 Much

              Next...My Office & Pics & stuff
              Last edited by btcg; 1 Oct 2006, 06:55 AM.


              • btcg
                Mail Payments To Me
                • Sep 2006
                • 20

                Office Pic's & Stuff

                Below are pics of my office. I built the white framed bench. It's 3 levels and makes it convienient...the top for video equipment, main for monitor & keyboard/mouse. I have a 4 position KVM.

                The lower for computers & books. I don't normally have the overhead lights on...I usually basque in the glow of the white lights I put in over the top of the monitors. I painted & carpeted the 3 levels. It's built in the manner I had my bench made for repair work made in.

                I'm a musican too, hence the Fender PA you see.

                My office ROCKS!

                Click image for larger version

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ID:	909635

                Hope the project helped someone!


                • NightHunter
                  Junior Member
                  Junior Member
                  • Oct 2006
                  • 1

                  Originally Posted by btcg
                  So I've got this movie(in my case, gay porn).

                  Where do I put it? No, I already tried that, and it hurt my little tushy too much!

                  In my case, I have a dozen young boys at my call running my "boys loving men" software. But (pun intended!) was going to be my choice. I'd just add a folder and upload, and write a note to my boyfriend.

                  But something in the pioneering spirit hit me, and I decided to do some searching for trannys on the net.

                  And in a move that'll warm your buns, I found a guy who loves me as much as he loves S&M (all you do is upload his webcam site), and I meet the #1 critera of his site: I suck AND blow!

                  IT'S FREE:

                  Bookmark this one if you aren't already aware of it boys & boys.

                  My 1st Video:

                  Title: I wish I was a REAL man like Dog the Bounty Hunter!

                  My 2nd video:

                  Title: All By Myself with my porn and a jar of Vaseline


                  Title: Dog the Bounty Hunter: He's oh so sexy 2 me!

                  Next...Me And My Boyfriend Play Hide The Baloney!
                  From the videos that you've pirated together in such an attrocious manner, I'd guess that "btcg" would stand for "Boring - Trash - Crud - Garbage." A baboon could edit better than that, blindfolded!!

                  When does your big project, "Me And My Boyfriend Play Hide The Baloney" come out? Or are you still in the 'shooting' phase?

                  You know btcg, trolls like you give trolling a bad name!!

                  btcg >>> <<<< NightHunter

