MS Powerpoint hangs when I try to insert a wmv movie....

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  • s_hari_82
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Mar 2007
    • 5

    MS Powerpoint hangs when I try to insert a wmv movie....


    I generated a movie with WMEncoder and tried to insert it into Powerpoint and it hangs.... Has anyone encountered a similar problem.
  • iamstd2
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Apr 2011
    • 1

    Help for you

    First of all, what OS do you have? I'll assume you have windows 7, just because that's what I have.
    Second, what year of Office do you have? again, I'll assume 2010 cuz that's what I have.

    I had the same problem. PowerPoint would always freeze up the moment I selected my video. Apparently, (through countless hours of Google search) anti-virus can cause hangup with a lot of PowerPoint actions. However, Norton and McAfee don't seem to cause this; Windows is causing its own problems! Win7 comes with a program called Windows Defender, which I guess is Microsoft's version of anti-virus. When you try to embed a video, that program causes PowerPoint to fry its own brain and crash itself. But enough talk, let's get to your help:

    -Open the start menu
    -In the search bar type "services.msc" and open "Services." It should have a gear icon.
    -When the window appears, you'll see a list of programs. Scroll through and find Windows Defender.
    -Right click on it, then choose "Stop." You won't have to have it running if you have your own virus protection.
    -Right click it again and choose "Properties." On the General tab, look for the Startup Type option. Choose "Disabled" so it doesn't hinder with your work again.
    -Restart your computer and you're ready to go!!

    I'm glad to be helpful for you!!

    If you have 2003, try considering turning off "check spelling as you type" on the spelling and grammar tab in the options.
    Last edited by iamstd2; 2 Apr 2011, 05:59 AM. Reason: Additional information

