Playing mp4 movies on Nintendo Wii

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  • Jemmy
    Wii newbie
    • Oct 2008
    • 2

    Playing mp4 movies on Nintendo Wii

    Hello I was wondering if someone could assist me on the below.

    I have a 700MB mp4 movie file encoded to MPEG-4 Video and Audio. Can I run this file off a USB flashdrive on a Nintendo Wii? Or will I need to convert the file?

    Will there be a bigger benefit to running the file of a DVD or CD rather than USB?

    If conversion is required, what should I do?

    Many Thanks,

  • admin
    • Nov 2001
    • 8964

    The Wii will not play MP4 files natively. There are two ways you can go about it, one is to stream the MP4 file from your computer to the Wii using Orb. The other is to convert the file to the Wii's natively supported MJPEG format. Both methods will see you lose quality, but the former will be faster than the latter.

    Here are the two guides that will show you how to do this:

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    • Jemmy
      Wii newbie
      • Oct 2008
      • 2

      Thanks admin.

      In the case of converting the file to the Wii's native format, can the file be run off a USB/CD/DVD-ROM rather than through an SD card?

