hey guys, i am aware of software that allows divx playback on the video out of the hollywood plus and the micro dv30 plus cards. I want to know is there anyway to tweak the settings of this software such as the directdraw filter etc to allow the playback of divx on the cinemasters video out. Or is there any way that i can contact the creator of divxplus or videotodc30 to see if this is possible. I have very little knowledge of the cinemaster properties or of any programming laungauge to make one of my own, so if anyone out there knows of a software to allow this it would make me very happy. The time consuming matters and Cd-R eating of Tmpgenc is beginning to wear on me. I will also be willing to spend some money allowing to display divx on my tv, but am looking for the cheapest solution as possibe, i/e a cheap video card with tv out, a vga scan converter to rgb, or a hollywood +/microdv30+ card send me your thoughts.