Jake Wants a New Computer or to build one!

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  • JakeBlues
    Anyone Seen Good Deals On Hardware This Week!?

    Sorry Chewy.. I thought it was HARDWARE related because every peice is hardware, apologies
    Last edited by JakeBlues; 12 Mar 2007, 06:25 AM.

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  • Chewy
    moved to general computing where it belongs

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  • Trifecta
    Originally Posted by katzdvd

    Here is what I will most likely go with. The CPU is overclockable so I figure I may play with that a bit.

    http://www.newegg.com/product/produc...82E16811208022 Case

    http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produc...82E16819103037 Processer

    http://www.newegg.com/product/produc...82E16813131069 Mainboard

    http://www.newegg.com/product/produc...82E16817153023 Power Supply

    http://www.newegg.com/product/produc...82E16820148007 Memory

    http://www.newegg.com/product/produc...82E16835106068 CPU Cooler

    Somewhere in the $300 - $400 range; I haven't totaled it exact yet, since there is rebates involved, etc.

    BTW, I never buy "Box Store" or "Branded" pc's, but that is just my pers. preference. In my experiences with friends/family who have owned all the big names, they have been very limited in what can be done with their pc's.

    If a part fails, upgrading can be a pain, weird BIOS settings, & maybe worst of all, mediocre components. (DVD burners w/ no firmware updates, for example) Since the "brand name" is building on a "budget", they are going to cut corners everywhere possible.

    I say, build your own, you will be very happy with it!
    cheers, katz
    newegg is the bomb. I'm working on building a computer myself and my roommate built a really nice computer a few months ago for about $650 bones. Not a bad for a college student budget!!

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  • JakeBlues
    Ok Guys, Good Stuff!

    rRemember if you see Ads for inexpensive hardware to help me build a great computer.. PLEASE note and link it here!!!!!!!
    I really want a new system and retire this one to the Ol' Lady!!!
    New Egg, Price watch, etc etc you see a deal let me know!!!!!!!

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  • jm1647
    The technical stuff is a lil over my head. I was wrong about the 350WATTS with the Ultra is has >70% efficiency here is a review/test of the 350 400 and 500 WATT Ultra V PSUs
    Last edited by jm1647; 11 Mar 2007, 09:22 AM.

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  • ed klein
    @ Chewy,

    Yes, reality watts in this case equals real electric unit of power watts. And not smoke and mirror watts.

    If you have a brand of power supply that is falsely advertising output of 500 watts SAFELY, and you can prove (which would be difficult and costly) that the unit CAN NOT output 500 watts safely or caused you computer to catch fire, that (in the USA) would be grounds for a court battle against the vendor to seek damages.

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  • jm1647
    Originally Posted by Chewy
    do you realize the performance hit of an old lame system boot drive?
    Isn't there any way you could free up a fast sata drive and partiton it to be a 20-30 gig system drive?

    way too much data!
    I'm not used to the speed, going from a 286, 386. P90, P300, P733, AMD1500+, Celeron 1.73 GHz notebook to this monster stock let alone OC'd

    I knew the SATA would be the best then the 7200RPM 133 drives. I was palying with the buid with the dinosaur Maxtor. I'll either pick us a smaller SATA or partition one to be the boot drive. Thanks

    I got a ton of movies on thye AMD 1500+ was playing around for it to be a media server.

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  • Chewy
    do you realize the performance hit of an old lame system boot drive?
    Isn't there any way you could free up a fast sata drive and partiton it to be a 20-30 gig system drive?

    way too much data!

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  • jm1647
    Originally Posted by Chewy
    I thought you had some sata drives?
    I do have 2, 1 500GB and a 400GB for storage in my AMD1500+ box, I was just playing with the build and was gonna move drives later. I have a buncha 7200RPM 133 drives (3)200GB, (2)160GB, 60GB and had some 15 and 20 GBers laying around. I was gonna use the 60GBer for the boot drive in the new build when I moved stuff around.

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  • Chewy
    I thought you had some sata drives?

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  • jm1647
    Originally Posted by Chewy
    damn, talk about putting a model t carb on a porche engine?

    boot/system drive should be your fastest drive, in my case the rpm and age of the drive is killing me, in your case the age and slowness???

    wonder if we could edit the boot ini?

    or try my solution which is enter bios long enough for it to get up to speed then save and exit(2-3 seconds)

    Nah I put it in a Flinstone mobile, the 5400 15GB is 2 days older than dirt

    Thats what I did entered the bios but I lowered the overclock when it hung. Like I said this OCing is new to me

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  • Chewy
    damn, talk about putting a model t carb on a porche engine?

    boot/system drive should be your fastest drive, in my case the rpm and age of the drive is killing me, in your case the age and slowness???

    wonder if we could edit the boot ini?

    or try my solution which is enter bios long enough for it to get up to speed then save and exit(2-3 seconds)

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  • jm1647
    Originally Posted by Chewy
    is your boot drive?
    yeah and when it stuck at the Asus boot screen I hit delete and went into setup and lowered the overclock .

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  • Chewy
    an old 5400RPM 15GB Maxtor
    is your boot drive?

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  • jm1647
    Originally Posted by Chewy
    I have some intermittent bootup issues with my thermaltake and raptor and overclock, but it usually just a minor inconvenience as the computer is booting so fast the system drive can't get up to speed quick enough.
    I just hit enter and it boots. Every now and then when it's very cold I get an
    overclock failed, and hit f? to enter setup and then I hit F10 save and it boots fine. Damn thing boots way too fast!
    I wonder if thats the problem I'm having, I'm playing with it with an old 5400RPM 15GB Maxtor? I should have it in the new Ultra case with the 120MM fan from the Antec case and a 7200RPM 133 boot drive and down the basement by Monday.

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