What speaker system are you using with your PC?

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  • Enchanter
    Old member
    • Feb 2002
    • 5417


    Thanks for the links. I am nevertheless getting a component system for my PC. I am moving away from multimedia speakers (with their fixed sub-sat crossover and tiny sats). Having owned the excellent Videologic Sirocco Crossfire (being at the top end of the multimedia speaker category), I feel getting any other multimedia speakers (2.1 or more) will only be a sidegrade or, worse, a downgrade.

    Now that you say that you own the PM7200, would you mind, as a happy owner, describing to me how adept it drives your speakers and whether the 25W of the Class A mode is really loud enough (I have no doubt that it sounds great in that mode) for normal usage? Does it run hot after prolonged use? Have you ever heard your speakers clipping when driven by this amp (in Normal and in Class A modes)? Do you have anything, something against the amplifier, one that you had overlooked when buying the amplifier? Sorry for the barrage of questions, but since I am spending serious amount of money for this, I guess it pays to be slightly meticulous.

    Thanks in advance.


    • Oriphus
      Digital Video Technician
      Digital Video Technician
      • Aug 2003
      • 405

      I find it gets very hot in Class A amplification, but produces crystal clear audio along with my Monitor Audio Silver 6's Speakers. I tend to leave it in Class A1, as this allows for louder output. I also think, if it is within your price range, you should have a look at this. I have recently aquired it and its truly amazing:

      I have had no speaker defects at all with this amp, i did have a bit of clipping on my PM 4200 before i upgraded it to the PM7200. I use it along with the CD6000OSE and ST6000 as my hifi and the THX AV Marantz with my 60" projector.


      • SKD_Tech
        Lord of Digital Video
        Lord of Digital Video
        • Jan 2003
        • 1512

        With my Sony STR-920 I had to install 4 cooling fans to keep her cool


        • SKD_Tech
          Lord of Digital Video
          Lord of Digital Video
          • Jan 2003
          • 1512

          Opps forgot to say I am getting a Tube Amp here pretty soon. She's a beauty


          • Enchanter
            Old member
            • Feb 2002
            • 5417

            Got myself a Quad 12L (did not like the sound of 11L). Amplification is served by a solid Rotel RA-1060.

            The speaker is a singer; Classical is its strong point and being an orchestral listener, I was overwhelmed to hear the authority and power it exerts in this demanding music genre. Imaging and depth is excellent. Details are sweet and revealing. Drums and underlying bass tones are clearly reproduced. An orchestra sounds like a true orchestra, not the synthesised noise many lesser speakers produce.

            Tweeter and woofer combine seamlessly together. Bass is astonishingly rock-solid (roll-off begins at 70Hz and then only slowly dropping below that (critical mid-band area is hence faithfully reproduced). Vocals and dance listeners will not like this set though; the former group may find there too much bass and the latter group for its faithful tweeter and relatively slow rhythm (metallic highs and fast rhythm are their things). Otherwise, this speaker will satisfy most other types of listeners, most especially classical.

            Just sharing my findings with those of you who might be interested. Cheers.

