Test your IQ

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  • ormonde
    Digital Video Explorer
    • Dec 2003
    • 3735

    "Business as usual is the reason your base will stay home."

    I believe the election this year will be decided on what happens in Ohio (versus Florida in 2000). That's why I think Kerry willl choose Gephardt as his running mate. Bush may have trouble in the predominantly union oriented states, which Gephardt has strong ties. I'm not so sure the "Leftist" base will stay home. That does seem to be what happened in 2000, and generally Democrats are more apathetic or status quo minded, but that could change this year. Speaking of Florida, did you hear that a team of international monitors will be setting up in the main counties that were the center of the dispute in 2000? (The group is called Pax Christi USA)


    • Quality's Proof
      Digital Video Master
      Digital Video Master
      • Jan 2004
      • 1279

      Originally posted by kevin abq
      Don't eat those purple mushrooms anymore

      Hhmmm ? , .......They ask for understanding, and I show them what understanding is ! And, then they insult me ! ....... reckon it's, " Casting pearls before swine.", type of thing.

      Hhmmm, it does take both understanding and deep thought to "arrive".
      Rig :

      P - 4 @ 1.7 Ghz, 768 mb (133) Ram, Intel 845 chipset M'board, Seagate 60 Gig., 5400 rpsm hdd, Maxtor 40 Gig. 7200 rpm hdd, Hauppauge 880 pvr card, etc.. O.S. - XP Home Edition.


      • Quality's Proof
        Digital Video Master
        Digital Video Master
        • Jan 2004
        • 1279

        Originally posted by ormonde
        Where's Quality at...........did he take a hike?
        Not yet, but soon. Been busy being flamed by some "commercial software sellers' supporters", and also busy posting some solutions. And, I've also been busy at ripping those hard to rip (some say "impossible") dvd movie discs ....... "piece of cake".

        You do see (from European/US rulings/news flashes : read Doom9.org news) how Holywood is trying to "tie" legal dvd back-ups into (and with) dvd pirating, and dvd pirating in with drug selling/buying and drug selling/buying in with Middle Eastern "terrorists"? I've said this before, folks. They (Holywood studios) are a horrible enemy to US citizens rights. Whenever they (Holywood) steals one of our US rights, they embolden/enable the fed to steal even more rights from us, remember that.

        I'll be stopping the posts (and soon) as I said, as I do not lie.

        Enjoyed the postings with you, Resquirell, and many more, but several flamers at "once", is both planned and orchestrated, and with the PM's, and with the ADMIN's blessings, so ....... this is a thread about IQ, after all.

        So, have fun with the troglydites, whom doth masquerade as though human.

        Re-read my post about what happened after the IQ test (it's factual, though with levity). (1st or 2nd page).
        Rig :

        P - 4 @ 1.7 Ghz, 768 mb (133) Ram, Intel 845 chipset M'board, Seagate 60 Gig., 5400 rpsm hdd, Maxtor 40 Gig. 7200 rpm hdd, Hauppauge 880 pvr card, etc.. O.S. - XP Home Edition.


        • ormonde
          Digital Video Explorer
          • Dec 2003
          • 3735

          "Enjoyed the postings with you, Resquirell, and many more, but several flamers at "once", is both planned and orchestrated, and with the PM's, and with the ADMIN's blessings, so ....... this is a thread about IQ, after all."

          Are they trying to ban you, or is this completely voluntary on your part? I recently tried for the first time your "freebee" method of DVD backups and it works great. Your insight about the "Religious" connection to power is acutely accurate. Read this one:


          • rsquirell
            Digital Video Master
            Digital Video Master
            • Feb 2003
            • 1329

            Hi Quality...nice to see your surly tail back. Ormonde...we just had a labor union make demands at GeorgeTown Steel. After the company told them they couldn't make any money if salaries were raised the workers still voted to raise their salaries. The 100 year old company shut down last month...those workers are having a hard time finding enough minute savers to give them minimum wage jobs. Mack Trucks moved to Winnsboro, SC to get away from the UAW in allentown, pa...and trained and hired a bunch of non-union locals. Union agitators riled up the workers...and they voted to unionize...immediately afterward all the SC workers who voted that way were cut loose...and replaced by UAW guys from Allentown who had "seniority". Mack Trucks still couldn't make a truck competitive enough to turn a profit and shut down operations 2 years ago. You union guys really do some good for your members.


            • ormonde
              Digital Video Explorer
              • Dec 2003
              • 3735

              "You union guys really do some good for your members."

              The fact is, unfortunately, most of the big union organizations (like the AFL-CIO) have sold out completely to big business. (corporate mangers have succeeded in getting their big hooks in) It's mostly the workers who get shafted in the end, because the union organizers sell them out. That's one area that needs dramatic change. As long as the corporate guys have all the money (hence all the power), what chance do they have? (Remember GM in Flint Michigan? It all tanked in the 80's with Reagan stepped into the oval office).


              • rsquirell
                Digital Video Master
                Digital Video Master
                • Feb 2003
                • 1329

                The fact is...although union leadership is solidly democrat, the members break nearly 50-50 republican/democrat...with the republican's joining because they have to to work...and they are PO'ed that a large percentage of their dues is earmarked to go to the democrat party.


                • ormonde
                  Digital Video Explorer
                  • Dec 2003
                  • 3735

                  "and they are PO'ed that a large percentage of their dues is earmarked to go to the democrat party."

                  That illustrates what my belief has been all along, where business is concerned– it's a "One Party System" with 2 right arms.


                  • Quality's Proof
                    Digital Video Master
                    Digital Video Master
                    • Jan 2004
                    • 1279

                    [QUOTE]Originally posted by ormonde
                    [B]"Enjoyed the postings with you, Resquirell, and many more, but several flamers at "once", is both planned and orchestrated, and with the PM's, and with the ADMIN's blessings, so ....... this is a thread about IQ, after all."

                    Are they trying to ban you, or is this completely voluntary on your part? I recently tried for the first time your "freebee" method of DVD backups and it works great.


                    Yeah, it's orchestrated and planned. I'm a tested journeyman and a tested master and a tested computer mechanic, (amongst other skills) as some have noticed. The "wannabes" are in support of commercial software posters, seems I've dwindled their "commissions".

                    Yeah religion (government's control "tool") beats the drum for war support, if you would remember/notice. Even the females support it : Remember during "Nam ? How the girls were to some ? "You can't get any (p.ssy), if you aren't going (to war)." Do you remember that? Now it's "You can't get any p.ssy, 'cause you ain't got any money.".

                    I've never heard the females say, "You can't get any p.ssy, 'cause you aren't brilliant ('cept some Mensan women). Without the women's support of war, then war ends. Their support of war is "triggered" in church. Well, I've been going through that "old testament" to find a method (a way) to stop their lunacy, and it's that "commandment" "Do not kill." (I've found, it's war (not killing)). So, war violates that commandment. "A house divided........".
                    Rig :

                    P - 4 @ 1.7 Ghz, 768 mb (133) Ram, Intel 845 chipset M'board, Seagate 60 Gig., 5400 rpsm hdd, Maxtor 40 Gig. 7200 rpm hdd, Hauppauge 880 pvr card, etc.. O.S. - XP Home Edition.


                    • rsquirell
                      Digital Video Master
                      Digital Video Master
                      • Feb 2003
                      • 1329

                      Well...those union demands did force the companies to support the computer/robotic industries...until most of the plants have been automated. The manufacturing unions are now only a small fraction of total union membership. The largest union membership now is the government workers. Every time the NEA makes their demands for teacher pay raise it forces cities to pass a bond issue and raise everybody's taxes. They force you to pay for all that Left-wing indoctrination...and go balistic if you think about home schooling.


                      • Quality's Proof
                        Digital Video Master
                        Digital Video Master
                        • Jan 2004
                        • 1279

                        Business is in control of the unions and the unions' membership is used to close the US plants (as a plausible deniability, etc.) and send the jobs, elsewhere, for lower wages = higher business profits. It's the old shell game. Business controls the unions, it's a fact de accompli. Well, the UNION did'has "sold-out" the Yankees whom fought for the Industrial Revolution. And truthfully, the North did the Rebellion, and against the Constitutions, and is therefore the actual "Rebels".

                        No, I'm not fighting the Civil War, I'm showing where some lies are embedded in "History" (his story, his tales : = lies of instinctive males).

                        Whenever the unions' leadership are in fact (they are) members of worldwide business "fraternity", then those unions are in fact controlled by business. It's the greedy, gasping maw of business (control freaks), which seeks to control all : unions, government, religions, militaries, etc.. Such "control freaks" (and their "sponsors") hate/hate the enlightened with a "purple passion". Purple is the "color" of "royalty". Ormonde you should understand what I really posted here.
                        Rig :

                        P - 4 @ 1.7 Ghz, 768 mb (133) Ram, Intel 845 chipset M'board, Seagate 60 Gig., 5400 rpsm hdd, Maxtor 40 Gig. 7200 rpm hdd, Hauppauge 880 pvr card, etc.. O.S. - XP Home Edition.


                        • Quality's Proof
                          Digital Video Master
                          Digital Video Master
                          • Jan 2004
                          • 1279

                          Now, Resquirell, I don't have a "surly tail" ! Hard work has very much diminished my tail. strange women do not come-on to me with the buttocks-pat approach, as they once did. Oh, well I could start some specific exercising, it seems.

                          Business has been in control of the unions since the 70's, and were in control of many unions in the mid-60's. Infiltration, by many, many moles of business. Many union presidents, etc., once elected, : made an immediate bee-line to the nearest, large business lodge (sold-out local, region, etc.), the craft supported their election.
                          Rig :

                          P - 4 @ 1.7 Ghz, 768 mb (133) Ram, Intel 845 chipset M'board, Seagate 60 Gig., 5400 rpsm hdd, Maxtor 40 Gig. 7200 rpm hdd, Hauppauge 880 pvr card, etc.. O.S. - XP Home Edition.


                          • ormonde
                            Digital Video Explorer
                            • Dec 2003
                            • 3735

                            "Business is in control of the unions and the unions' membership is used to close the US plants (as a plausible deniability, etc.) and send the jobs, elsewhere, for lower wages = higher business profits. It's the old shell game."

                            And that's what they refer to as the "Free Enterprise System" (The Free Theft System).


                            • rsquirell
                              Digital Video Master
                              Digital Video Master
                              • Feb 2003
                              • 1329

                              LOL...it's also called a "pension fund"...funded by company stock. The Union bosses want the company to do as good as the execs...and still they BS you into "donating"a sizable portion of your pay for all those "benefits" they secure for you. Workers of the world, Arise!!!


                              • ormonde
                                Digital Video Explorer
                                • Dec 2003
                                • 3735

                                "and still they BS you into "donating"a sizable portion of your pay for all those "benefits" they secure for you. Workers of the world, Arise!!!"

                                Yeah, and then the likes of Jeffery Skilling and Key Lay come around and steal all that hard earned (401 K) money from the employees and leave most of them practically penniless. I would "Arise" too, if they did that to me...

