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  • photo_angel2004
    Queen of Digital Video
    Queen of Digital Video
    • Jan 2004
    • 3558

    Originally Posted by Zero G
    I'd like to see them. Sounds like you could end up in the poor house with that kind of diet!

    his mother is rich money is noobject to her LOL

    IMGburn ** ** Nero **Intelli Type Pro 6.1 **


    • Zero G
      Next to Arch Stanton
      • Jan 2006
      • 545

      Originally Posted by photo_angel2004
      his mother is rich money is noobject to her LOL
      Is she looking for any long lost Canadian children? LOL
      "Wanted in 14 counties of this state. The condemned is found guilty of the crimes of murder, armed robbery of citizens, state banks and post offices, the theft of sacred objects, arson in a state prison, purgery, bigamy, deserting his wife and children, inciting prostitution, kidnapping, extortion, receiving stolen goods, selling stolen goods, passing counterfeit money, and contrary to the laws of this state, the condemned is guilty of using marked cards...therefore according to the powers vested in us, we sentence the accused here before us Tuco Benedicto Pacifico Juan Ramirez also known as the Rat and any other aliases he may have to hang by the neck until dead."


      • DiscoInferno
        Super Member
        Super Member
        • Apr 2005
        • 232

        Bull Mastiffs are cool. A friend of mine had one too, called it fergal. Id take it for walks in the park, and everyone there would scatter, he was a real beast. Unfortunately when people ran, his chase instincts took over (they were bred to catch poachers, and hold them) so he could never be let off the lead.

        I dont think i could handle having a Newfoundland in the house, just too big, and having to keep that coat brushed.


        • NightbladeXX
          Digital Putz
          • Jan 2006
          • 166

          My wife and I have 5 critters:

          Clyde: a Rottweiler, American, almost 7 years, 115-120 lbs. Clyde was an absolute monster of a pup. He never ever stopped moving around and chewing on absolutely everything imaginable, wooden chairs and remote controllers were his favorite. Now he has clamed down but he's a show off as soon as someone comes over. Clyde is typical of the breed and would ve been a top show dog if he didnt have a slight arch in his back, his colors are perfect and his head is massive. He is extremely intelligent and was super easy to train. Clyde loves dog toys and loves to run. His favorite things are going to the park and chasing a soccer ball, which i gladly kick around til hes almost dead (only thing that kept him calm for a couple hours), and going with me on long hikes. Clyde is a true workign dog and needs to always help me when I working around the house. Clyde is fiercely protective of his momma or kids, which is good since she is scared to death of being home alone. Even though we don't have any kids, he loves to play with em and the neighbor kids always come over to visit him or Red Fred when Clyde is outside with me, and he always puts himself inbetween them and the road or adults when they come over he'll actually stop the kids from getting too close to the road and is always watching them and me for my approval on what hes doing. He pretty amazing to me since I'm always just watchin him to see what he thinking.

          Here's one of the best days of my life, my 25th Bday present:

          Clyde: now

          Bonnie: 85 lbs, around 7 years, German Shepard mix, although she looks similar to a Rotty, we found her in Phoenix, AZ in 2000 shortly after we moved there. She was malnourished, pregnant, and slightly beat up. We could tell later that she was abused and never received any attention, typically for many dogs in Phoenix she was just left outside (since most yards are fenced in). Bonnies is the friendliest dog I have ever seen , and all she ever wants is attention she has to be constantly be petted although it could just be a fingertip moving a little bit. She is extremely flexible and fast moving around and I wish I had the time to train her for the agility trials as she would be great at it. Bonnie is a digger and I should rent her out as she could even dig in the ground in Phoenix (which is almost as hard as concrete). Not to big on playign with ropes, and other toys, unless its terrorizing Clyde. Bonnie can devour rawhides, almost as quick as I can suck down cold ones. The funny thing about her is her tongue is prolly 2 inches to long, and she licks anything and everyone.

          Here she is doing what she does best

          Gracie: Black cat, 8 lbs, unknown but Vet assumes shes around 10 - 14 years now. While I was working for the City of Elgin as a Police OFC one day, I was sent on a call, I found a couple kids teasing this poor thin black cat that just had kittens, lying in a culvert. Normally, we don't take cats to the animal shelter but this poor cat was thin, really thin, with new kittens. So I decided to take her to the animal shelter. Six months later, my Wife and I decided to get a cat, and we went down to the animal shelter, and she liked this other cat a mangy looking thing, I wasnt too keen on it so I continued to look and I noticed this little black cat hiding in her cage, I looked a little bit closer and she came out of her covered spot and started rubbing the side of the cage and I started petting her with my finger, when the lady who worked there came over to me and said thats the first time the cat has came out for someone and told me she had been there a long time and isn't too firendly with anyone, so they had scheduled to put her down next week. I took her out of the cage and she wasnt too thrilled about being held but she just sat on my lap and nuzzled up to me. A half an hour later we took her home. She wasn't keen on my wife at all, but didn't bit her or anything, and the other mangy cat who, my wife decided she wanted and named George became really sick that first night and we had to bring him back, found out later that George had some nasty disease and needed to be put down. So we just kept Gracie. A couple months later I had taken a stray dog over to the animal while working, and I asked the gals to look up Gracie's records, as I knew I knew, Gracie from somewhere but I couldn't figure it out. Turns out that Gracie was the cat I had brought in 6 months earlier. To this day she doesnt like anyone else but me, she "tolerates" my wife, and will not leave me alone unless there's a spot of sunshine somewhere or the fireplace is on.

          Here she is doing what she always does sits on my lap while I'm on the computer:

          Mooie: aka Moo-Cow Kitty, since she looks like a typical black n white diary cow. 12lbs, around 4 - 7, Mooie, is an extremely amusing cat, she will play with just about anything or anyone, since Gracie doesnt play with her too much and Clyde wont, Bonnie is her only source of amusement, prolly since Bonnie likes about anything or anyone. Mooie is frequently seen trying to enjoy Bonnies rawhide bone while Bonnie chewing on the other end. Mooie also likes to play attack anything or anyone when she is hidin under a bed! We got Mooie one day in Phoenix, when I was home on disability after a major sinus surgery, I was extremely doped up on steriods and painkillers, so I was REALLY out of it. I went out to get the mail, and when I came back I noticed the front door was cracked open, looked around the house to make sure Clyde, Bonnie, and Gracie didnt get out, and when I went upstairs, I noticed a black and white cat climbing out of the litter box (our laundry room was right on top of the stairs) and being really, really out of it, didnt really notice or i should say think twice about this new cat. My wife was out of town for a couple days so her mother stopped by the next day to check on me and asked me (I was still out of it) who this cat was. I couldnt move to well at the time, and I didnt have a clue about what she was talking about. My wife came home the next day and found me nappin on the couch with Gracie lying on my chest and this new black and white cat lying on my legs. She woke me up and asked me about this black and white cat, and I still didnt know what shes was talking about. Too tired and doped up I couldnt move to look, so my wife just us three alone. Later she named her Mooie. Although later I started to remember seeing her the first day. Personally, I call her Crazy, since I never met a crazier cat.

          Gracie and Mooie doped up by the fireplace, these two are like the old Garfield comics when he would walk by a window with sunshine and just fall over, basking in the sun.

          Red Fred, aka Fred, Freddie Kruger, or as the neighborhood kids call him Garfield, hes an Orange Tom Cat, about 25 lbs. something like 13 or 14 years. He's a hunter and has descimated the local mouse,population in my subdivision. He is an ornery old fart, and gets a little mean with adults, but surprisingly gentle with kids as all the kids in my subdivision like to play with him and since he gets around the subdivision alot. Hes the only cat thats allowed outside. I say allowed since Mooie likes to try to get outside. Gracie wont even go outside, I think its cuz she knows whats its like out there. Red Fred used to be my mother-in-law's cat, and we took him back with us to IL, when we moved back to IL from AZ. Freddie was originally from IL and was a indoor/outdoor cat here when my wife lived in St Chas with her mother, Freddie like me didnt agree with Phoenix and he didnt have a good time there as some of his adventures in AZ was trying to climb up a cactus, rather humorous, and surviving a rattlesnake bit, which he killed only, but cost my mother-in-law $3 grand in vet bills, and a major blood tranfusion, and some how the ornery old fart made it thru a coma too. So my wife agreed to bring him back to IL with us. Not to my knowledge as hes a long haired cat and I'm allergic to him (not too much so anymores) Clyde who is used to cats doesnt really notice em, but Freddie had to learn to watch out for Clyde as he'll step on em if they dont move outta his way. Freddie didnt know this and was used to being the "Top Dog" at my mother-in-law's house as he kicked the crap outta her dog if he got too close to him. Freddie tried once with Clyde, scratched Clyde and bit his leg, and Clyde barked at him loudly and smashed him into the Carpet with his paw. I thought it was funny, but my wife didn't. So he has learned to get the hell outta the way now, and he has even started playing with Mooie and Gracie although Gracie is scared of him.


          AMD FX-62 @3.2GHz
          2GB of Corsair XMS 4-4-4-12 @ 860 MHz soon to be 4GB
          MSI K9N Diamond nForce 590 SLI
          nVidia 8800 GTS 320 MB
          650W PSU + 465W (external)
          6 WD HD's 2x500, 2x320, 250, and 36GB Raptor + 200 External for Vista HP back ups
          LG DVD+RW
          Koolance EXOS Coolant System
          Buffalo Link Station Live 500GB NAS
          Dual Acer 2223's (22") Monitors
          Antec 900 Case custom painted interior black w/ 4 120mm blue fans + 200mm top vent
          Vista Home Premium 32 bit
          Vista Ultimate 64 bit (new)
          XP Professional 32 bit
          Ubuntu 7.04


          • photo_angel2004
            Queen of Digital Video
            Queen of Digital Video
            • Jan 2004
            • 3558

            Nice pictures,
            @ Zero G
            No her kid is my age now.

            here is a link to some pictures of the English Mastiff.
            Last edited by photo_angel2004; 21 Feb 2006, 05:25 AM.

            IMGburn ** ** Nero **Intelli Type Pro 6.1 **


            • DiscoInferno
              Super Member
              Super Member
              • Apr 2005
              • 232

              What a great post Nightblade.
              Cool Gracie story, to think she had been there all that time.
              Red Fred is my sort of cat.


              • NightbladeXX
                Digital Putz
                • Jan 2006
                • 166

                Im thinking of renting out Fred for people with mice problems, talked to several of my neighbors and they havent seen a mouse since we moved in in 8/2004. I stopped counting em once he hit 70 in 11/2004


                AMD FX-62 @3.2GHz
                2GB of Corsair XMS 4-4-4-12 @ 860 MHz soon to be 4GB
                MSI K9N Diamond nForce 590 SLI
                nVidia 8800 GTS 320 MB
                650W PSU + 465W (external)
                6 WD HD's 2x500, 2x320, 250, and 36GB Raptor + 200 External for Vista HP back ups
                LG DVD+RW
                Koolance EXOS Coolant System
                Buffalo Link Station Live 500GB NAS
                Dual Acer 2223's (22") Monitors
                Antec 900 Case custom painted interior black w/ 4 120mm blue fans + 200mm top vent
                Vista Home Premium 32 bit
                Vista Ultimate 64 bit (new)
                XP Professional 32 bit
                Ubuntu 7.04


                • DiscoInferno
                  Super Member
                  Super Member
                  • Apr 2005
                  • 232

                  There's nothing worse than walking downstairs barefoot in the morning, and treading in something purple and squishy, with one leg and half a tail. Why cant they just eat the whole thing?


                  • Zero G
                    Next to Arch Stanton
                    • Jan 2006
                    • 545

                    Originally Posted by photo_angel2004
                    Nice pictures,
                    @ Zero G
                    No her kid is my age now.

                    here is a link to some pictures of the English Mastiff.
                    Old people are just bent kids!

                    Thanks for the link. Damn big dogs!
                    "Wanted in 14 counties of this state. The condemned is found guilty of the crimes of murder, armed robbery of citizens, state banks and post offices, the theft of sacred objects, arson in a state prison, purgery, bigamy, deserting his wife and children, inciting prostitution, kidnapping, extortion, receiving stolen goods, selling stolen goods, passing counterfeit money, and contrary to the laws of this state, the condemned is guilty of using marked cards...therefore according to the powers vested in us, we sentence the accused here before us Tuco Benedicto Pacifico Juan Ramirez also known as the Rat and any other aliases he may have to hang by the neck until dead."


                    • photo_angel2004
                      Queen of Digital Video
                      Queen of Digital Video
                      • Jan 2004
                      • 3558

                      Originally Posted by Zero G
                      Old people are just bent kids!

                      Thanks for the link. Damn big dogs!

                      here are 2 more links that really show their size;

                      IMGburn ** ** Nero **Intelli Type Pro 6.1 **


                      • NightbladeXX
                        Digital Putz
                        • Jan 2006
                        • 166

                        Luckily, Fred drops em off on the deck or in the garage, and he nevers eats em (mice). The rabbits he likes to a lil bit.

                        Fred's scorecard

                        100+ Mice
                        12 Rabbits
                        6 Birds
                        3 of my buds

                        and he almost got this guy, he saw Fred sneakin up on him after i shot this photo luckily the bird shot off once he saw Fred

                        Last edited by NightbladeXX; 21 Feb 2006, 05:51 AM.


                        AMD FX-62 @3.2GHz
                        2GB of Corsair XMS 4-4-4-12 @ 860 MHz soon to be 4GB
                        MSI K9N Diamond nForce 590 SLI
                        nVidia 8800 GTS 320 MB
                        650W PSU + 465W (external)
                        6 WD HD's 2x500, 2x320, 250, and 36GB Raptor + 200 External for Vista HP back ups
                        LG DVD+RW
                        Koolance EXOS Coolant System
                        Buffalo Link Station Live 500GB NAS
                        Dual Acer 2223's (22") Monitors
                        Antec 900 Case custom painted interior black w/ 4 120mm blue fans + 200mm top vent
                        Vista Home Premium 32 bit
                        Vista Ultimate 64 bit (new)
                        XP Professional 32 bit
                        Ubuntu 7.04


                        • Zero G
                          Next to Arch Stanton
                          • Jan 2006
                          • 545

                          My boys would love a dog that big to pull them all over the lake on their GTs!
                          "Wanted in 14 counties of this state. The condemned is found guilty of the crimes of murder, armed robbery of citizens, state banks and post offices, the theft of sacred objects, arson in a state prison, purgery, bigamy, deserting his wife and children, inciting prostitution, kidnapping, extortion, receiving stolen goods, selling stolen goods, passing counterfeit money, and contrary to the laws of this state, the condemned is guilty of using marked cards...therefore according to the powers vested in us, we sentence the accused here before us Tuco Benedicto Pacifico Juan Ramirez also known as the Rat and any other aliases he may have to hang by the neck until dead."


                          • photo_angel2004
                            Queen of Digital Video
                            Queen of Digital Video
                            • Jan 2004
                            • 3558

                            Originally Posted by photo_angel2004
                            OK to who ever left me a RED on this the term studs in this link is refering to the breed of dog that is for SALE male dogs are refered to as studs by breeders that is in NO WAY A PORN SITE GET A GRIP!

                            Last edited by photo_angel2004; 21 Feb 2006, 06:21 AM.

                            IMGburn ** ** Nero **Intelli Type Pro 6.1 **


                            • NightbladeXX
                              Digital Putz
                              • Jan 2006
                              • 166

                              I love Mastiffs theyre such big ol babies


                              AMD FX-62 @3.2GHz
                              2GB of Corsair XMS 4-4-4-12 @ 860 MHz soon to be 4GB
                              MSI K9N Diamond nForce 590 SLI
                              nVidia 8800 GTS 320 MB
                              650W PSU + 465W (external)
                              6 WD HD's 2x500, 2x320, 250, and 36GB Raptor + 200 External for Vista HP back ups
                              LG DVD+RW
                              Koolance EXOS Coolant System
                              Buffalo Link Station Live 500GB NAS
                              Dual Acer 2223's (22") Monitors
                              Antec 900 Case custom painted interior black w/ 4 120mm blue fans + 200mm top vent
                              Vista Home Premium 32 bit
                              Vista Ultimate 64 bit (new)
                              XP Professional 32 bit
                              Ubuntu 7.04


                              • DiscoInferno
                                Super Member
                                Super Member
                                • Apr 2005
                                • 232

                                What bird is that Nightblade? Chicken Hawk? Birds of prey have always been an interest of mine, but im crap at recognising them.

