hmm,it's still creating backups..what's the switch to _not_ backup?
[in docs it says /B twice,once for backup, once for not]
so far so it working with 4, 3, 2, or 1 movie,no problem...
[was quite a trick,adding a 'null:' for each title that DIDN"T exist! lol]
not noticing any weirdness so far...but then i updated my .xml files too..
testing for chapters now..
man,had a little bug that only happened when i ran batch file, but not when run from command prompt...and it would delete all my files!
[don't set a variable within an 'if' gets set,but you can't read it till the if is over!]
basically it ended up deleting /s *.*!!
i caught it quick enough but it got a lot of files...grr..
took a while to figure it out i'm using rd /s /q for safety..
was using: del /s /q %dvdtemp%\*.*
and with the variable not there it looked like \*.* !!
ahh,batch files...
but all is working perfectly now...what did you mean if i 'get fancy' with the menus? i doubt i'll be adding any features..there will always be the 4 squares..[i can add more if needed eventually] and when less than 4 movies exist, it seems to handle it quite well...[just blanks out those squares]
i added a main 'title' text to the menu but that's about it...i'll add shadows and bevelled frames soon...
and all movies go back to menu afterwards..
the generic trick will be handy for that's nice..
most of my shows are about 1 hr/1.5 gig so don't forsee having many more on one disk...[tho some half hour ones could total more than 4..]
and occasional actual dvd main movie title mixed in...[no menus,just movie]
so i'm happy...can't forsee anything to add with my limited input sources..
will clean it all up and shoot you a nice all-in-one menu bat with support files...
i made the menu1.xml, mask png, and select png with dvdauthorgui..very easy..shouldn't nneed to change unless i change layout..
and i put the chapters in the menus main .xml so hoping it will pick them up...testing now..[my initial test vobs weren't long]
hmm,it's still creating backups..what's the switch to _not_ backup?
[in docs it says /B twice,once for backup, once for not]
/B Backup to default Undo folder
/B NEVER No backup will be made
/B NEVER No backup will be made
[was quite a trick,adding a 'null:' for each title that DIDN"T exist! lol]
not noticing any weirdness so far...but then i updated my .xml files too..
testing for chapters now..
man,had a little bug that only happened when i ran batch file, but not when run from command prompt...and it would delete all my files!
[don't set a variable within an 'if' gets set,but you can't read it till the if is over!]
basically it ended up deleting /s *.*!!
i caught it quick enough but it got a lot of files...grr..
took a while to figure it out i'm using rd /s /q for safety..
was using: del /s /q %dvdtemp%\*.*
and with the variable not there it looked like \*.* !!
ahh,batch files...
but all is working perfectly now...what did you mean if i 'get fancy' with the menus? i doubt i'll be adding any features..there will always be the 4 squares..[i can add more if needed eventually] and when less than 4 movies exist, it seems to handle it quite well...[just blanks out those squares]
i added a main 'title' text to the menu but that's about it...i'll add shadows and bevelled frames soon...
and all movies go back to menu afterwards..

the generic trick will be handy for that's nice..
most of my shows are about 1 hr/1.5 gig so don't forsee having many more on one disk...[tho some half hour ones could total more than 4..]
and occasional actual dvd main movie title mixed in...[no menus,just movie]
so i'm happy...can't forsee anything to add with my limited input sources..
will clean it all up and shoot you a nice all-in-one menu bat with support files...
i made the menu1.xml, mask png, and select png with dvdauthorgui..very easy..shouldn't nneed to change unless i change layout..
and i put the chapters in the menus main .xml so hoping it will pick them up...testing now..[my initial test vobs weren't long]