Ok I bought some TY online from a web site recomened highly from member in this forum. The site claimed to have true TY no Fakes.
Ok now looking at this web site in Blu's sig they seem to be FAKES:
copied and pasted from http://www.digitalfaq.com/media/dvdmedia.htm
Media ID Quality Guide
The following list is in preference order. The best discs are near the top of the list. The
discs at the bottom of the list are suitable only for a landfill. PVC is the best of all,
LONGTEN is the worst of all, etc. Note: Some codes may be listed twice, done because a -
R, -RW, +RW and +R by the same company may not be the same quality. The format is
listed because of this.
Almost flawless burns with 95 -100% reliable results:
PVC = Pioneer (Japan) = ( -R)( -RW) ... media is no longer made
MXLRG0x = Maxell (Japan) = ( -R)( -RW)
YUDENT, TYG0x = Taiyo Yuden (Japan) = ( -R)(+R) MCC, MKM = Mitsubishi Chemicals (Singapore/Taiwan) = ( -R)(-RW)(+R)(+RW)
TDK, TTG0x, TTH0x = TDK Corp (Taiwan/Japan) = ( -R)(-RW)
SONY0xD = Sony (Japan/Taiwan) = ( -R)( -RW)
Decent discs, though not perfect, about 80 -95% success rate:
RICOHJPN = Ritek or Ricoh (Taiwan) = (+R)(+RW)
PRODISC = Prodisc Media (Taiwan) = ( -R)(+R)
RITEK = Ritek (Taiwan) = (+R)( -R)( -RW)(+RW)
FUJIFILM = Fuji = ( -R)(+R)
OPTODISC = Optodisc = ( -R)
INFODISC = Infodisc Media = (+RW)
Quality can be very questionable, about 50 -80% success rate:
LEADDATA, LD01, LD, LEDA = Lead Data = ( -R)( -RW)
BEALL = Samsung BeAll (Taiwan) = ( -R)(+R)
MBI = Moser Beaur (India) = ( -R)(+R)(+RW)
MAM -A, MAM -E (USA, Europe) = Mitsui = ( -R)
PRINCO, fake TDK = Princo (Taiwan) = ( -R)(-RW)
ONIDTECH = Ul Tran Technology (Taiwan) = ( -R)
MUST = Unknown OEM = ( -R)
GSC001, GSC002 = Gigastorage (Taiwan) = ( -R)(+R)
CMC, CMCMAG = CMC Magnetics (Taiwan) = (+R)
PHILIPS = Philips (Taiwan) = (+RW)
Luckily, it does not happen often, but it does happen often enough to be a major annoyance to media buyers everywhere. Most fake media comes from Hong Kong, as a general rule. Fake media tends to float around Europe and Asia more than it does the
USA. Fake media is normally sold in flea markets, on eBay and online. Major brand name media sold in stores is probably never going to be fake.
TYG02 = this was faked by INFOSMART (Hong Kong) in 2004 2005.SomeOPTODISC Media was also reported to carry this code. Mitsui is also faking them in their USA and
Europe plants. The fakes are rumored to be for "improved 8x media detection" but low quality media is low quality, regardless of the media ID.
MCC02RG20, MCC003 = this was faked starting in mid 2005, again by InfoSmart of Hong Kong.
By reading that I have the fakes how good are the fakes how can you tell. ?

I guess I am wondering what class this so called Fake falls into.
Ok now looking at this web site in Blu's sig they seem to be FAKES:
copied and pasted from http://www.digitalfaq.com/media/dvdmedia.htm
Media ID Quality Guide
The following list is in preference order. The best discs are near the top of the list. The
discs at the bottom of the list are suitable only for a landfill. PVC is the best of all,
LONGTEN is the worst of all, etc. Note: Some codes may be listed twice, done because a -
R, -RW, +RW and +R by the same company may not be the same quality. The format is
listed because of this.
Almost flawless burns with 95 -100% reliable results:
PVC = Pioneer (Japan) = ( -R)( -RW) ... media is no longer made
MXLRG0x = Maxell (Japan) = ( -R)( -RW)
YUDENT, TYG0x = Taiyo Yuden (Japan) = ( -R)(+R) MCC, MKM = Mitsubishi Chemicals (Singapore/Taiwan) = ( -R)(-RW)(+R)(+RW)
TDK, TTG0x, TTH0x = TDK Corp (Taiwan/Japan) = ( -R)(-RW)
SONY0xD = Sony (Japan/Taiwan) = ( -R)( -RW)
Decent discs, though not perfect, about 80 -95% success rate:
RICOHJPN = Ritek or Ricoh (Taiwan) = (+R)(+RW)
PRODISC = Prodisc Media (Taiwan) = ( -R)(+R)
RITEK = Ritek (Taiwan) = (+R)( -R)( -RW)(+RW)
FUJIFILM = Fuji = ( -R)(+R)
OPTODISC = Optodisc = ( -R)
INFODISC = Infodisc Media = (+RW)
Quality can be very questionable, about 50 -80% success rate:
LEADDATA, LD01, LD, LEDA = Lead Data = ( -R)( -RW)
BEALL = Samsung BeAll (Taiwan) = ( -R)(+R)
MBI = Moser Beaur (India) = ( -R)(+R)(+RW)
MAM -A, MAM -E (USA, Europe) = Mitsui = ( -R)
PRINCO, fake TDK = Princo (Taiwan) = ( -R)(-RW)
ONIDTECH = Ul Tran Technology (Taiwan) = ( -R)
MUST = Unknown OEM = ( -R)
GSC001, GSC002 = Gigastorage (Taiwan) = ( -R)(+R)
CMC, CMCMAG = CMC Magnetics (Taiwan) = (+R)
PHILIPS = Philips (Taiwan) = (+RW)
Luckily, it does not happen often, but it does happen often enough to be a major annoyance to media buyers everywhere. Most fake media comes from Hong Kong, as a general rule. Fake media tends to float around Europe and Asia more than it does the
USA. Fake media is normally sold in flea markets, on eBay and online. Major brand name media sold in stores is probably never going to be fake.
TYG02 = this was faked by INFOSMART (Hong Kong) in 2004 2005.SomeOPTODISC Media was also reported to carry this code. Mitsui is also faking them in their USA and
Europe plants. The fakes are rumored to be for "improved 8x media detection" but low quality media is low quality, regardless of the media ID.
MCC02RG20, MCC003 = this was faked starting in mid 2005, again by InfoSmart of Hong Kong.
By reading that I have the fakes how good are the fakes how can you tell. ?

I guess I am wondering what class this so called Fake falls into.