Photo, Can you please help me insert a picture of my benchmark and disc quality screen? I have screenhunter and have the captures on my desktop but I am not sure how to get them on this post. I want someone to look at them and explain to me what they mean. Thank you.
Confused on Media Quality whats what?
Thank you, I will try the directions above, I tried the other directions, but I guess I am to dumb to figure it out without step by step help. Maybe the above ones will help, I am going to try them now. Thanks. Also do I need to resize or anything?Comment
Once you do it one time you will get it. And your not dumb your just learing something that is new to you. We have all been there at one time or another.
Also make sure you save our pictures as a .png or a .giff to save on server space for posting.Last edited by photo_angel2004; 1 May 2006, 04:24 PM.Comment
But I still have one last or make that two last questions?(I hope) Do I need to resize it or leave it as is, and what is the best way to put two image up, open two windows of imageshack or just do it one at a time to the same post? Sorry for all the trouble, but as you said I am learning, and hopefully will have it down soon. Thank You.Comment
for size it depends on the size of the file some you would need to reside others you would not need too. What is the file size?
And for multiple pictures you will have to upload them one at a time and paste them into your post. Dont submit your post until you have finished pasting all of the links in you post.Comment
you just copied and pasted the link to this thread?
Was that a test?
you can use the direct link to but you will have to add [IMG] at the beginning and [/IMG] at the end of the link with no spaces.Comment
Other info from the test was:
Elapsed time 6:49
Number of samples 134378
Average scanning interval 1.06ECC
Firmware 0614
These are the image from a 4x burn, if someone would please help me with understanding what they mean and how to read them, I would greatly appreciate it. You know as in what the different color lines represent on the benchmark test and also how to read the quality test better.Last edited by copyless; 1 May 2006, 04:48 PM.Comment
Yes it was a test, but it didn't turn out the way it was supposed to, somehow I changed it to this thread by mistake, I now have the right pictures but they don't seem to be posted right. Can you tell me what I did wrong, was it because I didn't resize them and why are they side by side?ME and You. Thanks for your help. Sorry for the mess.
Just a tip here when you post more then one link click enter inbetween the 2 that way they wont be side by side.
Sorry I forgot to mention that.Comment
Thank you very much, Photo, I think maybe I have it now. You are wonderful for staying with me until I got this right. You are great, and I really appreciate it, Thanks, I went back and placed the enter there and fixed it.
Youv'e been studying up on the tests do you have any input on what you see?
Where? I don't see any red on my screen.Last edited by copyless; 1 May 2006, 05:06 PM.Comment
Actually i dont know that much about them that was why I started this thread and apparently my burner is not compatable with these tests so I never got real results to know what they mean.
Your welocme,
Not to worry there are others here that do know what they all mean. With better answeres that I can give you on them.
Whats up with all the RED? the words Picture and post are now red?Last edited by photo_angel2004; 1 May 2006, 05:02 PM.Comment
pretty good scans of disks with that burner
I would set speed at 8x for disk quality tho. your transfer graph is excellent
Your PIE's are good, pif's a little high but that may be due to scanning too fast, vary the scan speed till it shows the lowest errors and stick with that setting.Comment