DVD burner troubles

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  • Dr Klovernutz
    Platinum Member
    Platinum Member
    • Jul 2005
    • 198

    DVD burner troubles

    here is my system
    Dell 4600
    XP home SP2
    500W PSU
    GeForce 7600GT
    80 HDD
    250 HDD
    5.1 SBlaster
    1/4 floppy

    as for my drives:
    NEC 3550A

    the NEC has lately become unreliable in burning of RWs and the drive doesn't always see discs (CD or DVD recorded or "presses") which its been doing more and more lately

    I recently bought the Samsung 202G to replace the NEC
    I am very unhappy with it for the following reasons:
    1. the tray door opens normal to about 50% then it slows down (you can hear the motor slow down too) I spoke to Samsung they said that is not normal.
    2. I have some FUJI DVD+RWs, I burned a FUJI with imgburn (doing a full erase first). it failed the verify, and I couldn't get the Samsung to see the disc to erase it. (I had to use my laptop to see the disc to erase) then using the same disc I burned the same .iso with a successful burn...... (unreliable in my book)
    3. I use Verbatim 16X for my DVD+Rs, EVERY DVD+R I have burned with this burner has a weird "smudge" in the burn about 75% out from the center. The DVDs all verify 100% (1 was an OS that installed fine..) but.......

    so because of this I spoke to newegg and I am RMAing this drive.

    I chose the Pioneer 112D (which I will flash to 112L ASAP)

    however I am interested in another drive (DVDRW) for a second drive for this system.

    if anyone can help with the following:
    1. anyone out there with a Samsung 202G does yours act like mine (regarding the tray door)
    2. what are the opinions of the following drives:
    or should i try the samsung again?

    or do you suggest an LG/ sony/ phillips...

    It is too overwhelming to handle.

    knowing that I already have a Pioneer 112D coming what would be the best burner to compliment it?

    (honestly I like the GDR8162B I have/ great reader I would use it to read any "unseen" discs the NEC couldn't pick-up. However its OLD, noisy, and slow, plus say it can see a RW that the primary drive cannot, I cannot erase with this one....)

    thank you all
    I would like to place an order tonite (hopefully get by friday)

  • Chewy
    Super Moderator
    • Nov 2003
    • 18971

    I would try the samsung again, they are having some quality problems with the new models, you either get a great burner or a bad one? Pioneer is having bad issues with 112's that stop burning cd's right away or soon thereafter. At least if you get a good samsung it should be more durable than a liteon and scan better than a pioneer.

    LG would be a good choice but you already have a good dual layer burner that won't scan, don't need 2 of them


    • Dr Klovernutz
      Platinum Member
      Platinum Member
      • Jul 2005
      • 198

      hey chewy

      i will only be keeping 2 drives in the main system:
      Pioneer 112
      and the other I buy

      I am assumin gthat you are referring to the NEC as a good DL burner. That drive will be in a backup system.


      • Chewy
        Super Moderator
        • Nov 2003
        • 18971

        the pioneer 112 is considered to be the premium dual layer burner

        knowing that I already have a Pioneer 112D
        the samsung would be my choice to compliment it


        • Dr Klovernutz
          Platinum Member
          Platinum Member
          • Jul 2005
          • 198

          oh, ok
          sorry I've been reading up on dvdrw drives ALL DAY....
          honestly I miss when NEC/ Plexor/ benQ were the best and picking one was easy (well... easier)

          you mention that the pioneer dies quickly? I read up on it at CD freaks and saw no mention of a wide spread issue such as this?

          As for giving samsung another try? I think I'm gonna research until early tommorow so I can order B4 noon.

          It appears that every1 at CD freaks accepts the Lite ons as the best scanners. Also I didn't see any mention of CD burning dying out after a few months in regards to the Pioneer 112?.
          Last edited by Dr Klovernutz; 27 Sep 2007, 11:28 AM.


          • Chewy
            Super Moderator
            • Nov 2003
            • 18971


            pioneer is not pushing this very hard

            they and lg are known for durable drives

            Hey, I've been having major problems trying to burn DL discs with ImgBurn. I either get the dreaded 'Power Calibration Error' or it bombs out halfway, if I'm very lucky it will occasionally burn sucessfully. I've tried burning from my desktop, from a caddy attached to my desktop and then attached...

            Hey, I've been having major problems trying to burn DL discs with ImgBurn. I either get the dreaded 'Power Calibration Error' or it bombs out halfway, if I'm very lucky it will occasionally burn sucessfully. I've tried burning from my desktop, from a caddy attached to my desktop and then attached...
            Last edited by Chewy; 27 Sep 2007, 11:33 AM.


            • Dr Klovernutz
              Platinum Member
              Platinum Member
              • Jul 2005
              • 198

              hey chewy,
              I just read up on something re the pioneer, (note: not on newegg where I bought it) but every1 says that I should use an 80 pin IDE cable.
              could that be causing the problems witht he sammy 202G? (even the slowing of the tray door?)


              • Chewy
                Super Moderator
                • Nov 2003
                • 18971

                might be? I never test 40 conductor cables with pata drives anymore, especially new ones

                slowness can be misinterpeted, might be by design

                hopefully it's not a power issue?


                • Dr Klovernutz
                  Platinum Member
                  Platinum Member
                  • Jul 2005
                  • 198

                  no, just changed it to an 80 pin. It did burn faster. But I still get the weird artifact on the burn side of a verbatim.. Also the door still opens weird.


                  • Dr Klovernutz
                    Platinum Member
                    Platinum Member
                    • Jul 2005
                    • 198

                    hey chewy,

                    Of These 3 burners; (I think I'm gonna keep all three

                    - Pioneer 112D (check for CD issues; I'm in the clear) soon to be 112L Mod
                    - Lite On 20a1P KL0N with RPC1 fix/ reset utility
                    - SAMMY 202G with the modded firmware that just came out (weird thing with this drive; I disconnected all, reconnested brand new 80 condusctor wire; seems to be working good)

                    - NEC 3550 A 1.07 mod (doesn't always see DVDs burned or pressed) but when it burns its always 100% and works well with CDs

                    ***I'm not considering the RW issues, They are old Fuji DVD+RWs
                    MID RICOHJPN W11 001 (01h)

                    I want the 2 Best drives in 1 box
                    what do u recommend and why?
                    1. Pioneer
                    2. Lite On
                    3. Samsung
                    4. NEC


                    • Chewy
                      Super Moderator
                      • Nov 2003
                      • 18971

                      well the pioneer(if you get a good one) is great for DL(all kinds) but can't scan for squat

                      the samsung can scan, does great sl fast burns

                      it's a no-brainer


                      • Dr Klovernutz
                        Platinum Member
                        Platinum Member
                        • Jul 2005
                        • 198

                        the lite on I have seen lots of people have it with no complaints
                        what is it specifically known for?


                        • Dr Klovernutz
                          Platinum Member
                          Platinum Member
                          • Jul 2005
                          • 198

                          by scanning do you mean extracting discs (cds/ dvds)


                          • Chewy
                            Super Moderator
                            • Nov 2003
                            • 18971

                            the liteon is a good scanner, scanning is loosely used to mean doing pie/f error scans with cdspeed

                            the liteon would be a close runnerup to the samsung

                            You could test and decide yourself, if you could find some premium consistent media.

                            Whatever you do don't put your best 2 scanners in the same box, I prefer to do a burn and then if pressed for time scan in another computer while I burn another disk in the original one.


                            • Dr Klovernutz
                              Platinum Member
                              Platinum Member
                              • Jul 2005
                              • 198

                              well thats what I wanted to check, I have 2 boxes
                              I decided to keep the 3 since I have a project where I need to encode about 1000 CDs to FLAC to create a database. Since I don't wanna tie up my main machine I wanted to put one of the new drives in that box for the job. I think I'll use the Lite-ON.

                              scaning: do u have a good link for me to read about scanning? I mean all 3 drives have been extacting CDs fine with no errors/ matching accurip (dbpowerAMP) not sure about the scanning topic
                              Last edited by Dr Klovernutz; 1 Oct 2007, 12:44 AM.

