I once butted heads here and had to eat humble pie (and rightly so) as I felt singled out but if you actually read everything that goes on you have to admit the rules are openly stated and are applied equally and fairly. This is someone's website, not mine, I am just a guest. We should be happy the "Admin" didn't just shut down the whole website, I mean why risk anything legal personally. I like all the people here. I wouldn't do a minute of "time" for any of you though. A lot of people work hard here to give out a lot of information, I am soaking up as much as I can, you never know.
Protesting one Statement
This topic is closed.
As I have posted before, this is admin's house and his rules are to be followed. The mods here are his rule enforcers. If anybody feels treated unfairly by a mod contact the mod and/or admin.
Like in my house if I say don't put your feet on the coffee table and you do, your gonna hear about it.Not registeredGo here and click register to join the Digital Digest Forums
I would just like to take the time to thank ADMIN and ALL of the MODS here!
Yes there are rules that some other forums don’t have but then again some other forums don’t last long and don’t have nearly as much information this one has.
I have been a member here since 2004 and that’s a few years now, if the rules were not enforced here this place may have disappeared a long time ago.
I think that running a forum of the size this one is has got to be a tough job and the mods here have done a great job keeping this place clean from things that could potentially get the forum into trouble. They all disserve a round of applause in my opinion.
There are reasons for the rules weather we understand why or not there is always a reason.
And sometimes we are all better off not knowing what all of those reasons are.
I really hope to see this forum live on for many more years to come and I certainly hope that everyone does comply with all of the forum rules so that this forum can continue to go one.
Many members here have become rather close to some degree through out the years and I would hate to see that all come to an end.
Therefore I have no problem following the rules and I thank Admin for posting the rules for us all to follow.
Sure all mods have their own way of getting their point across but that is what makes people different. After all no 2 people are the same. But no matter how a mod chooses to get their point out there they are all doing the same thing and that is enforcing Admin’s rules. That is the job of a mod. And I think they do a great job at it. I am sure it is not easy for them all of the times and I am sure they have had to give infractions they may not have wanted to give, but they have no choice they have rules to follow just like we do.
So again thank you Admin and all of the Moderators that make this place the great forum that it is.
Well, here is the deal, as I see it..if it means anything.
BE WARNED: This is gonna hit at the heart of many of the members, because of the nature of the issue.
1st off, let me just say..I'm no saint when it comes to my hobbies.
I've used the internet and my education/training to reverse engineer and , for lack of a better term, hack my way into many a situation.
This site is run legitimately, which is one factor that is causeing the rukus.
I'm a member of other sites and rather active, where what we do is..well..illegal in the U.S....though it is mostly in a grey area of the laws.
That said, Admin's forums walks a tight line between acceptable an unacceptable by "the powers that be".
He has to watch his site and monitor it very closely because, as he said, he is ultimately responsible for anything and everything that goes on here. If he is to stay in operation, he has to be strict in some areas that many wished he wasn't. That's the difference with the other sites I am at... everything is offshore or in a 3rd world country, so the US cannot shut them down for anything said or done on the forums, unlike here.
Now, the hard to swallow part....
Many of you are here to learn how to break the protection of the newly released weekly DVDs..it's that simple.... what you do with it at that point is your business...BUT...with all the talk of blank media sales and the sheer volume many of you have opening announced in the forum to maintaining...well, lets just say you aren't just making a nice safe b/u for your peace of mind.
There is a good amount of money made by people selling pirated material and DVDs are among the top sellers.
Now, I know I'm walking a fineline here, and Admin and MOBDZ, I apologize, but those that are complaining need to realize that just because the software is out there as freeware, doesn't mean they have a right to know about what is going on with it.
If you want to be able to insure your ability to break the encryptions, then you should learn to do it and write your own software for it.
Seeing how 99% of those here cannot do so, it is a safe assumption to say they are here for the "free" ride and that goes along with the "hobby" they have chosen.
I've seen it so many times in the other forums I am an active member at.
Remember, I've already admitted that I deal in some grey areas with the hobbies I pursue. The difference is I can write the code needed for those hobbies and I use devices and code that is available to make the hobbies easier...but, if those fail, I don't go demanding someone tell me what is going on and to fix my problems..I fix them myself.
What i am trying to say is:
If you are here to get the free apps to support pirating, then you have no valid arguements or "rights" to know anything about the dealings of other's software. They developed or refined it, not you, so get off their backs and "learn" the hobby or be patient.
Admin, I commend you on how you run this site and I'm sure coming from me, having admitted my shady hobbies, it means less than it means. But I take no offense to it...I've learned alot from these forums and I appreciate all that has been offered to me...... sorry if I have offended anyone over this topic, but the truth is like a stinger at times.... accept it and take it for what it is.
As Gandhi once said, "A man has got to do, what a man has got to do". Or maybe that was just ad libbed by Robbin Williams in Mrs Doubtfire. One day I would like to find out what exactly happened...
Also, I am glad for the other forums I go to which enable me to talk about the program without getting it closed. CDfreaks is a good one.Last edited by linx05; 15 Apr 2007, 12:24 AM.Comment
It is truly a sad day when folks can no longer come together to talk, share ideas, vent frustrations, etc. I firmly believe in our fair use rights and that they should be protected. I respect the right of a company to file a complaint with the authorities if a product is on the market that they believe is illegal in some fashion. Taking that to the point where folks are not permitted to even discuss the subject is truly sickening.
My comments are not directed at the admin folks in this forum. I'm sure they are just trying to avoid the nonsense hassle and I surely do not blame them. Most of us would just like to share opinions, learn and express ourselves. I cannot imagine what is wrong with that.
This is a really excellent forum, and I support folks efforts to keep it functional.Comment
Having servers in "friendly" countries means that these won't be pulled by the web host at the first sign of trouble, but you would have to live in a "friendly" country as well to be 100% safe. The MPAA (lobbying through the US government) have been pressuring governments all over the world to adopt DMCA-like legislation, for example Australia had it forced on us when we signed the free trade agreement with the US.
There are some good guys in the US Congress that are fighting for fair use rights, like Rick Boucher, but the studios have enough money to ensure they get exactly what they want.
Anyway, back to the topic of the thread, which is rules and how moderators enforce them, whether the rules are copy protection related or just general rules like "don't be rude". I'm glad to see that most of you agree with what is necessary, and that the moderator's job is not an easy one, so give them some slack.Comment
Anyway, back to the topic of the thread, which is rules and how moderators enforce them, whether the rules are copy protection related or just general rules like "don't be rude". I'm glad to see that most of you agree with what is necessary, and that the moderator's job is not an easy one, so give them some slack.
First of all I would like to thank the members for their support and also some of the other Mods who commended this thread and my stand. Thanks for your PM's, I appreciate them.
This thread was never about not following the rules or forcing Admin/mods to give information not meant to be shared. Neither was this thread in support of piracy.
As the Admin stated in his posts, this is a democratic forum, managed by the mods within the defined set of rules, which everyone needs to follow.
This thread was all about respect for all members and as the admin said not to be rude, which some particular mod seem not to follow. Thanks admin for your support.
On a lighter note, Admin please issue infraction to the mods not being polite.
Btw, I got an infraction for opening this thread by the same mod, which makes me laugh, please mod dont get frustated, try to understand the problem and correct them, please issue another one if that makes you happy
and peaceful.
May this Thread rest in peace.Last edited by techreactor; 23 Apr 2007, 02:28 PM.Comment