The video output looks great, but I can't find any way to get audio into the AVIs (been trying American Pie 2 & Fast and Furious). I set it to decode audio, tried 44100 and 48000 bitrates and "same as input", but nothing. On WinXP, I'm running FlaskMPEG 0.6, Divx 4.12, and a host of other codecs. I loaded Radium MP3 (nice menu, but I don't know how to use it). By loading 3 Lame-based downloads from this site, I finally have the option of MPEG Layer 3. (before that, nothing but PCM and Windows media v1 & v2). Even with MPEG Layer 3 selected, still no sound. I don't know if it's normal, but when Flasking, the menu shows: "Audio Format: N/A" & "Bitrate: N/A". Should this be? The only way I can get sound is if I select "OpenDML AVI Output" instead of "AVI Output", but this makes the file larger, and I don't know how compatible this file would be for other players. Please help. What other information can I provide to figure out this problem?
No sound in making AVIs
Tags: None
I ran the setup program for the Radium codec, which gave a shortcut to a menu which I don't know how to use, or if I even need to. I installed Lame-3.91, LameACM090d, and Lamecom files per their instructions, and now I can at least choose MPEG Layer 3 for the audio codec. I assume that they're installed correctly, but how can I tell? Are there others that I should have?Comment
you should always use OpenDML avi, the reason it's larger is probably that it has sound
Anyway flask can be very picky about audio codec's it can be a bit of a game finding one that works, and some may cause flask to crash even though u don't select them.Donate your idle CPU time for something usefull.
Originally posted by khp
you should always use OpenDML avi, the reason it's larger is probably that it has sound
Anyway flask can be very picky about audio codec's it can be a bit of a game finding one that works, and some may cause flask to crash even though u don't select them.
Anyway, if I select "OpenDML avi" then with mp3 I can't select 48khz. Won't it cause problems with synchronization if you use 44,100Hz?Comment
If you need o use "OpenDML avi" then why does it say here to use "avi output"?
Anyway, if I select "OpenDML avi" then with mp3 I can't select 48khz. Won't it cause problems with synchronization if you use 44,100Hz?
audio format: N/A
audio bitrate: N/A
that doesn't mean anything.Donate your idle CPU time for something usefull.
Solution Found
I agree. Why does the walkthrough tell you to use "AVI Output" instead of "OpenDML AVI Output"...because it stinks. I'd been testing 60 seconds of AP2 and noticed that the DML-AVIs were a litle bigger, so I went ahead and did the complete movie. With all bitrates, video and audio the same as "AVI Output", the "OpenDML AVI Output" version was 1.83GB. Apparently, the larger the movie clip, the more it grows. So, rest assured that it's not slightly bigger because it has sound, but almost 3 times the size it should be, because of the format. I finally gave up and tried XMPEG, and what do you know, I just made my first movie tonight, without any problems. Looks great, sounds great. If FlaskMPEG is that picky, I'm deleting it from my system. There is no reason that a program should be so impossible to work with, when another program works so easily. Obviously many people use FlaskMPEG without difficulty, but it sounds like I'm not the only one who has this same problem. Maybe we didn't load the codecs in a specific sequence, or choose the exact iDCT, or some other basic variable not covered in the walkthrough, but it should not that difficult. Hey Yoda, my recommendation is to switch to XMPEG.Comment
...but almost 3 times the size it should be, because of the format
Try to open the avi file in virtualdub and select file->file properties this will tell u the total size of the audio and video streams.
I assure you that the OpenDML avi file format does not stink, any decent avi encoding tool supports OpenDML avi.
I won't tell u which tool u should use.
In fact I strongly urge u to try as many tools as possible and then select the one u like the most.
You asked for help with flask and I have tried to give u that.Donate your idle CPU time for something usefull.
Well I was able to get sound to work by using Flask .594 instead of Flask .60. It doesn't have all the features that .60 does, but it's acceptable. I tried xmpeg but it kept giving me errors and I didn't like the interface at all, so flask .594 it is for me.Comment
. I tried xmpeg but it kept giving me errors and I didn't like the interface at all
For flask0.594 make sure that u get the px3 update.Donate your idle CPU time for something usefull.
Donate your idle CPU time for something usefull.