I've been trying to convert RealMedia files to AVI's and so far the only tool i've found to do this is TINRA v0.05 (link posted here at divx-digest.com), with stabilizer v1.2 and the GUI v1.4 (all most recent versions). Also I do have RealPlayerOne (most recent realplayer) installed on my system. when I run the tinraGUI program and convert a realmedia file to AVI, everything appears to run smoothly. the conversion seems to be executed (20 minute file takes 20 minutes to recode, presumably because its doing some sort of recapture). The avi file appears in the output directory as the conversion is occurring, but the instant the conversion comes up complete, the avi vanishes. In addition, i've tried aborting the recoding mid-process to see what happens, and the avi file remains, but the contents are just a black screen (audio exists as it should). I've tried encoding with HuffyYUV 2.1 and Divx
Low-motion, both produce the same results. Any clues why all this is happening?
p.s. i'm not new to recoding video files, i'm just new to trying to recode realmedia files.

p.s. i'm not new to recoding video files, i'm just new to trying to recode realmedia files.