My story is probably the same as many others. I cannot get a movie to play. I get great audio but no video from WMP 7.1. I get no response at all from the Divx Player (2.0 alpha). Just a Player Error- Failed to open response. No other information. A GSpot review of this avi file indicates that a codec is not installed. The Video Format Codec box shows 4CC as xvid and the NAME as XviD. The Status is Codec Not Installed-no details available. In the DirectShow Render box I see this info: Source- MEDIASUBTYPE_Avi, VideoMedia- blank (empty box), Splitter/Other- AVI Splitter, Video Codec Box- blank (empty box), Status- 0x00040257;VFW_S_VIDEO_NOT_RENDERED- cannot playback the video stream- no suitable decompressor could be found. I'd like to be able to understand this GSpot analysis for future reference, so can I pose a few specific questions about it? 1. When it says "codec is not installed" what is it referring to and where is "it" not installed?. 2. Can I assume that the movie has been "compressed" using this xvid codec and thus what I need is not a compressor but a decompressor? 3. What decompressor do I need then? Do I look to download something called a decompressor or something called a filter? I find references to all sorts of programs at:
but I don't know what it is I am looking for? I did find the Xvid Codec link but isn't this what was used to compress the movie? So it would do me no good-right? 4. I tried to install the FFDSHOW as was recommended as something that can "play almost anything", yet the description for this program says it is a "filter"...again, the semantics ! Anyway, I installed it and noted that the DIRECTSHOW Filter (required) indication was "grayed" during the installation. The program installed anyway but when I tried to "run" the program I got a RUNDLL ERROR- Error loading of the library files needed to run this application cannot be found! There was no other information provided! What library file do you think is missing? Thanks for any help.
but I don't know what it is I am looking for? I did find the Xvid Codec link but isn't this what was used to compress the movie? So it would do me no good-right? 4. I tried to install the FFDSHOW as was recommended as something that can "play almost anything", yet the description for this program says it is a "filter"...again, the semantics ! Anyway, I installed it and noted that the DIRECTSHOW Filter (required) indication was "grayed" during the installation. The program installed anyway but when I tried to "run" the program I got a RUNDLL ERROR- Error loading of the library files needed to run this application cannot be found! There was no other information provided! What library file do you think is missing? Thanks for any help.
