Interleaving problem in AC3 sound

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  • Daweed
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Mar 2003
    • 6

    Interleaving problem in AC3 sound

    Hi everyone !!
    I ve recently reinstall completly my PC.
    and since this i have a problem playing DIVx in AC3 sound passing through my SPDIF out !!
    i m using AC3 filters 0.63b for playback and AVI-gui for muxing my files
    In fact i have this famous problem that everyone knows (means that i have jerky pan & scan scenes during my playback)
    i really don't know what happened cause those DIVXs used to work perfectly on my old install!
    i use the default interleaving parameters in AVIMUX gui (500/250K)
    i also look if my cd rom and HD are in DMA mode
    and when i decode the AC3 wiht AC3 filter 0.63b it works
    so it sounds like i really have a muxing problem but in fact no !!??

    pliz help !!
    thanks for ur help
  • UncasMS
    Super Moderator
    • Nov 2001
    • 9047

    0.63 does NOT support spdif

    read this:
    Talk about the AVI file container, and the Divx/Xvid codecs that are most commonly found in AVI files


    • Daweed
      Junior Member
      Junior Member
      • Mar 2003
      • 6

      Ok so i have just uninstall AC3 filters 0.63b and i install partionally tsunamy filters . i install intervideo codec.
      but now i don't have any sound playing
      u have to know that i have a SB extigy soundcard and it's able to swith itself with decode or no decode sound through the SPDIF out .
      anyway i think for me now i need a AC3 codec
      when i run codec sniper i don't see a AC3 codec just some direct show like AC3 parser filter so what should i need now ?
      i m really sorry i was thinking it was much more easier


      • UncasMS
        Super Moderator
        • Nov 2001
        • 9047

        which ac3 filter did you tick/keep in tsunamis filterpack 397?


        • Daweed
          Junior Member
          Junior Member
          • Mar 2003
          • 6

          i keep intervideo audio decoder 2.0 and Ogg Ds !!
          Bye !!


          • UncasMS
            Super Moderator
            • Nov 2001
            • 9047

            tsunamis default keeps the cyberlink filter as well

            could you give that a try?


            • Daweed
              Junior Member
              Junior Member
              • Mar 2003
              • 6

              i ve just install cyberlink but still no sound
              i really don 't understand


              • UncasMS
                Super Moderator
                • Nov 2001
                • 9047

                did you try another version of like mentioned in the other posting i linked to?


                • Daweed
                  Junior Member
                  Junior Member
                  • Mar 2003
                  • 6

                  now i have installed MS mpeg 1 audio decoder 2.0 and AC3
                  i v'got sound but it is already decode by the codec
                  i want it directly passing trhough my spdif out
                  sorry i dind't find where u wre talking about
                  by the way its or
                  i ve just change my in system32 i put the most recent one i have !
                  i 'll see what happened


                  • UncasMS
                    Super Moderator
                    • Nov 2001
                    • 9047

                    sorry, i misspelled it:

                    Talk about the AVI file container, and the Divx/Xvid codecs that are most commonly found in AVI files

                    the above posting deals with a very similar problem - take a look at it.


                    • Daweed
                      Junior Member
                      Junior Member
                      • Mar 2003
                      • 6

                      Ok it s working !!
                      so here is what did i do for this!!
                      i unsintall completly the filters and unregistered
                      at this point i wasn't able to play an ac3 sound !!i remenber that my last install was using BSplayer (which got great options for intervideo AC3 in it !!)
                      so i nstall it and select spdif out but still no sound so i register and after this no problem my AC3 is well passing through my SPDIF out and decode by my amplifier and i don't have anymore this jerky pan and scan scenes !!
                      and strangly MICRO DVD do the same thing but not MEDIA PLAYER 9 which decode the sound
                      i mwondering why when i install by myself the intervideo filters norhing is working properly and when i install BSplayer the others applications are also updated at this level
                      i might do something wrong for sure but what
                      anyway thanks for ur help and if u think u find the problem tell me


                      • jula
                        Junior Member
                        Junior Member
                        • Mar 2003
                        • 4

                        Hi Daweed!

                        I have exactlly the same problem! The only difference is that I havent succseeded yet

                        If I understand you corectlly: You unistalled only AC3 codes or all codecs from your system? Which did you use? I mean in which codec pack was it? Is this "Intervideo Audio Decoder 2.0" included in Tsunami pack?

                        And could you please tell me what are your audio settings in BSplayer.

                        One more: what cable do you use to connect your sound card to receiver? On my sound card (Audigy) I have mini jack spdif output and on receiver coaxial (RCA) input. Shopuld I use coaxial cable or it can be any other cable with proper connectors?

                        Thank you.


                        • UncasMS
                          Super Moderator
                          • Nov 2001
                          • 9047

                          Is this "Intervideo Audio Decoder 2.0" included in Tsunami pack?
                          YES, it is


                          • jula
                            Junior Member
                            Junior Member
                            • Mar 2003
                            • 4

                            Thank you the blue light is lighting on the receiver! It is working, finnaly...

                            thank you guys.

