Distorted colours

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  • rocksteady
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Jan 2002
    • 2

    Distorted colours

    Lately the colours in nearly all my divx movies have have been shifted towards pink in an unusal way.

    They start out normal, then some areas slowly get more and more pink. This goes on for about 5-10 seconds before the colours are suddenly reset to normal. And then the colours start getting pink again. This cycle goes on and on through the whole movie...

    Do any of you know what this can be?
  • setarip
    • Dec 2001
    • 24955

    "Lately the colours in nearly all my divx movies have have been shifted towards pink"

    Are you referring to videos that you've previously viewed, that didn't originally exhibit this problem? If so, your video card may be dying - or your system may just be running hot.

    If you're referring to files that you've downloaded (and not previously viewed), it may simply be a matter of "getting what you paid for"


    • UncasMS
      Super Moderator
      • Nov 2001
      • 9047

      that pretty much sounds like you installed/re-installed a (new) divx codec.

      older divx4 version do not hanlde divx3 playback too good.

      or even divx3 might be turned 'upside down': an avi encoded with divx3 3920 for example might look different in any 36xx version.

      ==> make a fresh divx installation
      i'd suggest to use a filterpack like the one from TSUNAMI
      his latest version 391 can be found on my page.


      • rocksteady
        Junior Member
        Junior Member
        • Jan 2002
        • 2

        Thanks alot, the Tsunami 391 solved the problem

