Files no longer working

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  • WafflesAreGreat
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Nov 2004
    • 1

    Files no longer working

    I have a lot of files I downloaded a few months ago, and they had been working fine. Two weeks ago, they stopped working. I had my computer savy friend come over, he ran ad aware or some program like it, and the files worked fine. Three days ago it happened again. I open a file, the audio starts playing the video flashes colors for a few second, then it crashes. Strange thing is divx is working on somethings I downloaded last week. So I assume it's not a problem with the play. Did all my older media get somehow corrupted? And is there anything I can do to fix it? Thanks in advance.
  • UncasMS
    Super Moderator
    • Nov 2001
    • 9047

    post removed
    Last edited by admin; 28 Nov 2004, 01:08 PM.


    • admin
      • Nov 2001
      • 8964

      UncasMS: I think this post is borderline on breaking the rules, but probably should be allowed as we can't tell if the downloaded files were piraqted movies, or just trailers or something. So I am re-opening the thread.

      WafflesAreGreat: Do the files you downloaded before use the same codec as the ones you downloaded recently? You can use a tool like GSpot ( to check if both use the same video codec. If not, then this is probably where your problem lies.

      You probably need to get your computer savvy friend to come over again, since he seems to know what the problem was last time, and the problem now may be related.
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