I'm a great Shrink fan, and decrypter. But now I alot of AVI.Files that i came across must be convered to DVD. As you all have experienced. I have the AVI2DVD beta version downloaded and got as far to push "GO". But I see a pop up that tells me to select a audiostream. Ok here's a question? As big as my sound card is, as many files as I have. Why do i not have a audiostream sensed. Do i need to download something else?
Need some help with AVI2DVD
Thanks for getting back so soon benbryant. So, i guess if i am understanding this. i have a audiocodec error because AVI2DVD doesn't reconize a compatable audiostream playback. Does this mean that i will have to download a compatable program that be sensed with AVIDVD, such as Vitual DUB?Comment
"One day men will look back and say I gave birth to the 20th Century". Jack The Ripper - 1888
Columbo moments...
"Double Shock" "The Greenhouse Jungle" "Swan Song" FORUM RULES
"You try to contrive a perfect alibi, and it's your perfect alibi that's gonna hang ya."
(An Exercise In Fatality, 1974)