3 AVIs on 1 DVD?

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  • junkie26
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Nov 2006
    • 2

    3 AVIs on 1 DVD?

    I would like to burn 3 AVI files (each file is about 350 MB) onto 1 DVD. Currently, I am using Avi2Dvd, as suggested by this guide:

    This guide will illustrate how to convert an AVI file to DVD with switchable subtitles and a professional looking menu using the freely available

    When I encode the 3 files with Avi2Dvd, the output is 3 ISO files and 3 times the VOB files. The 3 ISO files seem to be useless to me, since each ISO files is 1 CD/DVD, right? So is there a way to burn the 3 videos on 1 dvd, with some menu option as to which movie to start (number 1, 2 or 3)?

  • soup
    Just Trying To Help
    • Nov 2005
    • 7524

    When I used to do this, I am almost positive I used Dvd Shrink to make 2 ISO's created from AVI one ISO & then burnt the result. 2 was the most I did & sorry I could not be much clearer but it has been a while since I did it.


    • NightTran
      King of Digital Video
      King of Digital Video
      • Aug 2005
      • 4224

      Originally Posted by junkie26
      I would like to burn 3 AVI files (each file is about 350 MB) onto 1 DVD. Currently, I am using Avi2Dvd, as suggested by this guide:

      This guide will illustrate how to convert an AVI file to DVD with switchable subtitles and a professional looking menu using the freely available

      When I encode the 3 files with Avi2Dvd, the output is 3 ISO files and 3 times the VOB files. The 3 ISO files seem to be useless to me, since each ISO files is 1 CD/DVD, right? So is there a way to burn the 3 videos on 1 dvd, with some menu option as to which movie to start (number 1, 2 or 3)?

      nero vision can do 3 or even higher # iso files to one dvd with simple menu


      • junkie26
        Junior Member
        Junior Member
        • Nov 2006
        • 2

        I tried to use dvdshrink, but that program is not able to use the menu's that I made. I have 3 movie files, and for each I created a menu, so to select the subtitles, etc. With dvd shrink I can only put the 3 movie files on one dvd, and every movie will start a a different chapter. So I loose all the menu's...

        I don't have nero vision installed, maybe I should try...

